Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Rodgers & Kidman to kidnap Holmes

Story From June 2005

On the same day that three time Academy Award Nominee Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes announced their engagement Fake Gossip News has learned of a plan by Cruise’s first two wives. According to an inside source Mimi Rodgers and three time Golden Globe winner Nicole Kidman have been in close communication since the news of the Cruise/Holmes romance broke not too long ago. The source told Fake Gossip News that both Mimi and Nicole are “appalled” young Katie has been sucked into Cruise’s publicity web.

When asked for a comment Rodgers declined but her publicist released the following statement “I hope it’s real. But I am worried for Katie. When you’re with Tom you pay a high price both going in and getting out. There was a time when I was in love with Tom but when I realized I had to get out I literally had to put sell my career to the devil. That’s how I ended up doing crap like ‘Ginger Snaps’ and ‘Dumb & Dumberer’.”

Fake Gossip News also got the dish when we caught up with Oscar winner Kidman at a recent midnight sing along of “Moulin Rouge” in Santa Monica. Nicole told us “Tom changes your life. At first I loved it. Being with the biggest movie star in the world. But I forgot who I was. When I found myself again on the set of ‘Moulin Rouge’ Tom lost it. He couldn’t believe I was no longer just going to be his arm candy. Our marriage soon fell apart. Him producing ‘The Others’ was our last ditch attempt at saving it but it was too late. But like Mimi I paid a price. In our divorce papers there was a stipulation that I would put my now red-hot career on the line for two questionable Hollywood remakes. Last year it was “The Stepford Wives” and we all know how that turned out. And this year it’s “Bewitched” which I hoping will turn out better but one way or another I’m glad I’m finally done paying the price for my marriage and divorce from Tom.”

It seems Mimi and Nicole don’t want Katie to make the same mistakes they made. According to our source Rodgers and Kidman are planning on kidnapping Holmes upon her return to the sates from France and “knocking some sense into her.” The source also told us that Nicole knows how to “Undo the Scientology brainwashing that clearly has been done to Holmes.” When Fake Gossip News asked if Mimi & Nicole had considered brining Cruise’s former flame Penelope Cruz in on their plan the source told us “Mimi thought it might be a good idea but Nicole was dead set against it. Eventually Nicole won out after convincing Mimi that Penelope is as dumb as a box of hair.”


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