Annette sinks further into madness!!!

Annette Benning's decent into madness continues. First came her double loss at the Golden Globes. She once again saw her "Mrs. Harris" performance bested by Helen Mirren's in "Elizabeth I" then her scenery chewing turn in "Running With Scissors" was outdone by Meryl Streep in "The Devil Wears Prada". She acted like it didn't bother her but people should have known better. Her denial was so great that she even managed to convince husband Warren Beatty that not only did the Golden Globe losses not phase her but that she was also over her Hillary Swank obsession.
Warren was so convinced that Annette had turned a corner that he made what he would later admit was a "bad joke". On the Thursday after the Golden Globes Warren and Annette were talking in their kitchen. Annette was drinking a glass of wine. Warren said "Do you want to go to a movie tonight honey?'. Annette replied "That sounds delish. I'll just throw on some jeans and we'll head out. What should we see?" That's when Warren made what he calls "the biggest mistake of my marriage." He replied "Freedom Writers." It was at that point Annette's face turned white. Warren quickly replied "I'm just kidding honey." Annette did not speak but she squeezed her wine glass so hard it shattered in her hand. A concerned Beatty said "Oh, my god honey are you okay?" Annette calmly said "Excuse me I have to go to the bathroom". Once she entered the bathroom she started screaming and breaking things. The crashing could be all the way across the house. Five minutes later Annette exited the bathroom her hair a wild mess and her hand still bleeding from the shattered wine glass and said "How about 'The Hitcher'?"
They couple never made it to a movie that night. Warren gave Annette a sedative and called her therapist for an emergency session.
This is your all-time best post! Love it!!
You are out of control but, I love it. Annette wanting to see "The Hitcher" that's just too much.
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