They was robbed!
Fake Gossip News, the Ellen Maffia and several other Hollywood insiders are appauled that the following people were robbed of Oscar nominations this morning.
Best Supporti
ng Actress-Ellen Burstyn in The Fountain
Best Supporting Actress-Renee Tay
lor in Boynton Beach Club
Best Supporting Actress-Sally Kellerman in Boynton Beach Club

Best Supporting Actress-Lin Shaye in Snakes On A Plane

Best Actress-Brenda Vaccaro in Boynton Beach Club
Best Supporti

Best Supporting Actress-Renee Tay

Best Supporting Actress-Sally Kellerman in Boynton Beach Club

Best Supporting Actress-Lin Shaye in Snakes On A Plane

Best Actress-Brenda Vaccaro in Boynton Beach Club

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