Annette Bening's Nightmare

Apparently for months after the 2005 Oscars Bening would have nightmares about Hilary Swank winning Oscar after Oscar. She would wake up screaming "Swank! Swank! Damn you Swank!" The dreams got so bad she entered therapy. She was finally making progress in her Hillary Swank obsession when she signed on for "Running With Scissors". That's when things went from bad to worse. According to Scissors Co-Star Gwenyth Paltrow Annette was completely insane on the set. Gwyneth told Fake Gossip news "Annette's trailer was covered din pictures of Hillary. A big sing was posted over Annette's make up mirror that read "NEVER AGAIN". Gwyneth told us that she tried to talk to Annette about her obsession but was told to "Fuck off" and that "You have your Oscar Shakespeare bitch now leave me alone."
Annette channeled all her rage into her Scissors performance. She knew it was a meaty role that could finally land her an Oscar. She even enlisted the help of The Ellen Mafia to sink "the Black Dahlia" to make sure there was no way Hillary Swank could sneak into the race this year. Sadly for Annette the buzz for "Running With Scissors" faded fast. According to close friend Angelica Houston "Annette is praying she'll get a Golden Globe nomination and it will resurrect her Oscar hopes. If she doesn't scar at least an Oscar nomination I fear she'll give a performance so over the top in her next movie it will make Faye Dunaway cringe. But at the same time I fear what will happen if she does get a nomination. It seems all the momentum for Best Actress is behind Helen Mirren right now. If is bad news for Annette's psyche since she just lost an Emmy to Helen. If Annette lost an Emmy and an Oscar to Mirren in less than a year I think she's break with reality."
When Fake Gossip news contacted Annette's representatives we were hung up on the second we said the name Hillary Swank. This can only lead us to believe the whole thing is true.
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