Blind Item #2

Once and again it is time for another Fake Gossip News blind item. Hollywood was shocked when the youngest person to ever receive and Oscar nomination for Best Actress Keisha Castle-Hughes admitted she was pregnant at the age of 16. Unlike the character she plays in "The Nativity Scene" this pregnancy was not brought about by practical magic. It seems a certain Hollywood starlet sabotaged Hughes birth control to seek revenge. According to a close friend of Hughes one night while she and her boyfriend were staying down in the valley their condoms turned up missing. That night they only engaged in oral and the next day he went out and bought some more. But it turns out while the two were out to dinner the angry starlet broke into their room and with a small pin poked several holes in all the condoms. Clearly the starlets plan worked. Wondering which starlet it was? We'll give you thirteen guesses.
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