Get ready for some excellent television!
The Hollywood writers strike has brought production to a halt. But it has also given new life to TV shows that have been collecting dust in the network vaults. In the late 1990’s ABC secretly ordered full seasons of three spin off shows. They shows were just plain to fierce to be seen by the American public but now with fresh episodes of “Desperate Housewives’ and “Ugly Betty” about to run out ABC had decided to pull these hidden treasures out of the vault and show them to the world!
The first two spin offs are from “Roseanne”. The first show “Crystal!” follows the ad
ventures of Natalie West as she leaves Landford, Illinois and travels to El Dorado, Arkansas and opens up her own Country/Western Bar. The second show “Bev” stars Academy A
ward winner Estelle Parsons. After the last episode of “Roseanne” Beverly moves to the Sivlerlake neighborhood of Los Angeles where she opens up a lesbian bed and breakfast. Look for guest appearances from “Roseanne” regulars like Sara Gilbert, Lecy Goranson and Sandra Burnheart.

But the show that has got all of Hollywood excited is a spin off of “Full House”. The show is “Gibbler!” staring the always underrated Andrea Barber.
The show follows the adventures of Kimmie Gibbler as she joins the United States Air Force and spreads her special brand of humor around the world.

Look for all three shows to debut just after the New Year.
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