Miss Cleo Caught In Spears Pregnancy Scandal!!

This blog was born out of an idea I had three years ago. I was bored at a temp job and came up with a crazy MADE UP story about Sharon Stone's divorce. These stories are FAKE thus the title Fake Gossip News. They are for peoples amusement and entertainment. They are not meant to be taken seriously.
all of the letters were mailed from a mail box down the street from where Benning lives. Police also have done an unofficial handwriting analysis (from the Benning thank you cards following her 2005 Golden Globe win for “Being Julia). The analysis found man similarities between Benning's handwriting and that of the letter writer’s. The final step is getting a warrant to test Annette’s DNA to see if the blood on the letters is Annette’s.
rom all the times she’s pricked her fingers to write in blood). We asked her what she thought about the letters Swank has been receiving. She replied (with one of the fakest smiles we’ve ever seen) “I have worked past all my issues with Hillary Swank. I wish her nothing but the best. Life is not about awards.” Then her face changed from the fake smile to her usual intensity. She then declared “’The Women’ will be my greatest triumph. Awards or no awards people will be talking about that movie and my performance in it for years to come.”