It was a beautiful Southern California day and Annette and husband Warren Beatty were enjoying lunch at the Warehouse Restaurant right on the waterfront of Marina del Rey. The two of them were discussing what movies they still needed to see before they voted on the Oscars. they were shocked when they realized they had yet to see "The Departed". Instead of watching a screener at home they decided to see it in a theatre. Luckily for them it was playing at the United Artist Theatre right there in Marina del Rey.

Upon arriving at the theatre the couple bought their tickets and concessions. Warren got a large Coke while Annette got a large Diet Coke and a large bucket of popcorn. The two entered the theatre, found their seats and waited for the film the begin.

The couple's wonderful day came to a screeching halt when the second preview came on the screen. It was for "The Reaping" starring none other than Annette's nemesis Hillary Swank!
Because Hillary does not appear in the trailer until fifteen seconds in Annette initially was fine. However, Warren knew the preview was for "The Reaping". He had gotten the preview once before when he saw "Black Christmas" in the theatre with the couple's oldest child and old pal Jack Nicholson. As the preview came on Beatty started saying "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no."
Then all hell broke loose when Swank's image appears on the screen. Benning said "Oh hell no!" and then got out of her seat. When Warren saw Annette get out of her seat he replied "Oh shit. Here we go."
Annette glared at the screen for a couple of seconds disregarding the requests of the people behind her to sit down. Then she ran towards the screen screaming "No. No. No. Dam you Swank Damn you Swank." As she ran towards the screen Warren stood and yelled out "Turn the preview off. For the love of god somebody turn the motherfucking Hillary Swank preview off."
But it was too late. Upon reaching the screen Annette began clawing at the screen trying to tear it down all the while screaming "I hate you Swank. Damn you and your buffy slaying, karate kid kicking, 90210 ugly ass. Damn you swank!"
The projector was stopped, the lights went on and everybody except Warren and Annette left the theatre. Warren tried to calm Annette by taking he the bucket of of popcorn. As Warren handed Annette her popcorn she sank to the floor clutching the popcorn and staring off into space. A half hour later the men in the white jackets arrived at the theatre and took Annette to the Multiple Oscar Losers Psychiatric Hospital. As Benning was led out of the theatre she began stroking the popcorn bucket as if it were an Oscar and said "I'd like to thank the Academy for this amazing honor."

All of us here at Fake Gossip News hope Annette gets the help s he needs at Multiple Oscar Losers Psychiatric Hospital. After all the staff has helped such Hollywood Stars as five time Oscar loser Glen Close and four time Oscar Loser Ed Harris.